Friday, April 12, 2013

LO-2 Roman Expansion Notes

Allies and Colonies 

  • Created a network of settlers from Rome 
  • allies provided infantry and cavalry Romans lacked
  • Roman colonists shared the same citizenship with people who lived in Rome 
  • Social Wars
The Punic Wars 
  • 250 BC all of Italy south of River Po was in Roman hand
  • Rival State Carthage 
  • Colony similar to Rome
  • 246 and 146 BC The Punic Wars- land and sea 
  • Forced Carthage out of Sicily 
  • Second Punic War in 202 BC Carthage lost
  • Rome third war in 146 BC 
  • 202 BC Rome had control of the whole Mediterranean
Conquering the Empire
  • Proconsuls (governors) ruled lands 
  • After 27 BC provinces shared benefits of Rome Order
  • Local rulers became Client Kings 
  • Tied by alliance and support 
  • expansion 
  • British Isles 
  • Hellenistic Kingdoms were loosing their grip 
  • 200 BC ambassadors from Greek city states came to Rome for aid 
  • Romans sent an army 
  • Conflicts with Hellenistic Kingdoms 
  • Ruled all of Eastern Mediterranean 

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