Wednesday, March 13, 2013


We are still watching the movie we've been watching on the Greeks. Today we still saw about Socrates. His trial took place in the Agora with about 500 people there. He made a speech which he could of apologized for everything and he probably wouldn't of been guilty but, that's not what he did. So, he was guilty and sentenced to death. He would be put to death by drinking hemlock. We talked about the famous painting called the "Trial of Socrates" for most of the class. It showed him as less and ugly and really strong and everyone else in the room was breaking down because of Socrates about to be put to death.The reason they showed him so strong was because he was the only one out of the people in the room he was keeping and calm. Oh and then we had a debate about same sex marriage most of us said we didn't mind about what other people did but Drew was against the idea of same sex marriage.

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