Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Today in class we got put with a partner for a 50 point project on Alexander the great. My partner is Drew. Our topics we have to do on Alexander are treatment of his foes, Hellenistic era, and succession. So far I've worked on the succession part and after he died there were a lot of different rules and they all were in war and the division affected Macedonia. After 40 years of war Macedonia collapsed.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today we looked at our test scores on power school and I did good it brought my grade up. Then we started a new chapter which is called Greater Greece Hellenistic Era. The page we read talks about how the city states ruled under stronger neighboring rules.We discussed life before the Pelopponesian War and life after. Before they were a democracy and were peaceful then during the war the plague came and killed most of the population.We talked about Alexandria the Great and how he was about 20 when he started ruling and he died at age 32.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hellenistic- leading international culture but, way of life was influenced by the peoples they rules
Period of Greek history between the period of the death of the Macedonian king and Alexander the Great

The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because Sparta dropped out of fighting but, the Athenians still had an alliance of city states. The Athenians made were making the city states send money. The city states went to the Spartans and they decided to take up for their allies. The Spartans went to war with Athens. The Athenians were defeated and they gave up all outlying possessions. They became forced allies of Sparta. But, the Spartans lost a lot of men and resources and could not stop the Athenians to regain their independence. The city states returned to how the struggle of how they originally were. Thebes tried to replace Sparta and Athens as dominant city-state. 

In 359 BC Macedonia was now under the rule of King Philip II. He was determined to gain control of the city-states. He wanted to get them to start a united force against the Persians. Athens formed an alliance with Thebes to try to stop him. The Macedonians won. He let the Greek city-states to govern their own as long as they remained loyal allies. 

Study Guide

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


We are still watching the movie we've been watching on the Greeks. Today we still saw about Socrates. His trial took place in the Agora with about 500 people there. He made a speech which he could of apologized for everything and he probably wouldn't of been guilty but, that's not what he did. So, he was guilty and sentenced to death. He would be put to death by drinking hemlock. We talked about the famous painting called the "Trial of Socrates" for most of the class. It showed him as less and ugly and really strong and everyone else in the room was breaking down because of Socrates about to be put to death.The reason they showed him so strong was because he was the only one out of the people in the room he was keeping and calm. Oh and then we had a debate about same sex marriage most of us said we didn't mind about what other people did but Drew was against the idea of same sex marriage.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Today we continued to watch the boring movie on the Greeks. The video talked about Socrates and how the Athenians went to war with an island off of Sicily and after that everyone was angry and they went after Socrates. Socrates was arrested for corrupting the minds of the youth and undermining religion. Also the Athenian generals after the Spartans won were put to death by drinking hemlock. Before all this happen things were changing and people started to use science and were using logic instead of relying on the gods. When the Spartans and Athens went to war a third of Athens were killed by the Plague. Pericles died from this disease in 429 BC.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today we finished to watch the video. We saw the entertainment theatres the greeks used and how they put on bizarre plays. One was about a king who married his own mother and when he found out it was his mom he married he gauged his eyes out. These plays were called tragedies. A Hubris is a greek term describing people in power who think they can get away with anything.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Today most people weren't in class because they were on the field trip. We continued to watch the video and what i wrote down in my notes were in 483 BC Athens discovered large amounts of silver and Themistocles wanted to use this to build ships. In 486 BC King Darius died and his son Zurkzees wanted to try to invade Athens again. The Athenians wanted to fight in the sea and not on land. Greeks destroyed Persian fleet. Persians lost 200 ships. Then there was the Delian league and this was an alliance of Greek states. The Greeks were becoming an empire. They ostracized Themistocles and he died in exile in Persia. New leader was Periclese.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


         Today in class we finished watching the video on Greece. In 490 BC the Persians were going to invade Athens and try to take over. King Darius was the powerful king of Persian. Because of this Athens sent Phedipadees to run to Sparta and ask for help. He ran 140 miles in 2 days. When he got there Sparta denied his asking of help. The Greeks won against the Persians even though the Persians were much larger and professionally trained. Themistocles was one of the history's greatest leaders. We left off with the video talking about ships the Greeks built.