Friday, May 24, 2013

Review for Test 5/24/13

Feudalism: describes the type of government institutions, as well as the general social and political relationships, that existed among the warrior-landholders in much of Europe during the Middle Ages
feudal compact: An arrangement between a lord and his vassal involving the exchange of property for personal service
fief: a grant of land and accompanying government responsibilities and power
vassal: servant
knight: warrior
homage: a vassal's act of promising loyalty and obedience to the lord
serf: laborers
baron: a great lord who exercised government authority over vast family territory
peasantry: lower end of the common people in the Middle Ages
estates: in the Middle Ages, the groups that made up society: often defined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work
manor: the principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution
three-field-system- a method of crop rotation designed to maintain the fertility of the soil and to provide for a regular supply of fall and spring crops
internal colonization- the process of cultivating and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe
suburb- Latin word for "beneath the walled town"
guild- An organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standard prices
master- a craftsman who had the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business
journeyman- A licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rate per day
apprentice- a "learner" in the shop of a master
masterpiece- Before the masters admitted a journeyman to their rank, they were required to submit an example of his workmanship
water mill-
and yes, iron plow

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


         Today Maxwell and David taught the class. They went over what Mr. Schick was teaching us yesterday in the power point. Then Grace and Kelley started acting things out that they were talking about. At the end of class we started talking about pinky toes and how we will always have them. I don't really know how that came up.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Today Mr. Schick had a powerpoint for us. Feudalism is a term used by government to describe relationships between the land owners and warriors. A warrior would pledge his alliance to a lord who would in turn give the knight some land. A fief is a term used for property. The warrior then would become the lord's servant. The vassel has to fight for the lord when he needs it and attend his court once a month. In the Medieval society the common people farmed on lands called manors. Peasants were serfs and had to give service to their lords on the fields a few times a week.

Monday, May 20, 2013


We got our tests returned. I got a 77%. Better than I expected. We reviewed the test and talked about it. Mr. Schick was annoyed with us because of all the taking and not focusing.

Monday, May 13, 2013


We made up questions today and we have a test tomorrow. Then we reviewed some of the questions people made up.


  • Why was Jesus different from other "messiahs?" Taught one must strive for protection since God is perfect 
  • What was Jesus' mission? End world and bring everyone into the Kingdom of God 
  • What happened to Paul of Tarsus that he believed in God? He was knocked off his horse and blinded and saw Jesus 
  • What happened during the third edict? imprisoned clergy men 
  • What is an edict? an official law 
  • What did the Edict of Milan do? Tolerance of all religions 
  • What was Constantine's vision? Cross above the sun with the words conquer 

Friday, May 10, 2013


Today in class Grace and Kelley taught the class and they did a wonderful job. They talked about the Diocletian Persecution. The first three edicts all were in the year 303. During the third edict all clergy were imprisoned. During the forth all people had to give up a sacrifice and if they didnt they were killed. Then constantine became emperor and saw a vision of a sun with a a cross above it with the words conquer. He issued the Edict of Milan which let all people worship whatever religion they believed in. Christians were no longer being prosecuted. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today we took notes on Christianity during the Pax Romana. People first thought it was a cult because they were teaching all new things. Jesus was a preacher in Judea and he was different from the rest of the "messiahs" because he taught to strive for perfection. The people believed Jesus came to end the world and take everyone into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus was seen as a threat to the Romans and they crucified him. Paul of Tarsus was a man who persecuted Christians. He fell off his horse and was blinded and saw Jesus and then believed and spread the good news to all parts of the world. He founded churches and wrote letters.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Today we took a test that I didnt know about. I never checked the blog but it wasn't that hard. I think i did okay on it. Then we had to read in the text and it was about Christianity.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Mr Schick showed us a powerpoint he made. We talked a little more about Tiberius. And then his brother Gaius who wanted to follow in the path of his older brother and also got himself killed. Then we talked about Julius Caesar and how he decided to cross the river with his men and he got himself killed. The people who killed him literally dipped their hands in his blood.