Wednesday, January 30, 2013


          Today Mr. Schick told us the averages between the 3 sections on our quizes and our was the lowest it was a 58. So, that wasnt too good. Then we took notes about Egypt. We took notes on geography and how they depended on the nile river for pretty much everything they did. It was the same thing i read yesteday in the text book. And about how it floods in july every year. Then we talked a little about pyramids and the great sphinx of giza and how it took 23 years to build.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


     Today Mr. Schick wasn't in class today so we had a substitute. We had a reading assignment in our text book which was pages 20-29.  It was about Egypt. We had to take notes on the reading and some things I had written down was that Egypt was once split into two. There was upper egypt and lower egypt. The two lands came together eventually into one but the balance of the lands were ruined because of  weakling pharaohs, boy- pharaohs, and succession. Egypt was a wealthy civilization. Soon they became ruled pharoahs. They believed pharoahs were god and man. Height of the pharoahs power was reached in 2700 BC.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


         Today in class we got assigned seats but my seat is pretty good. We went over our assignment over the weekend and people gave their opinions on that. Then Mr.Schick put up a powerpoint to start off. We had to copy down the notes in our notebook. Then we watched a video and John Green was in it hes also an author and one of my favorite authors so that was interesting. 200000 years ago humans arrived in Africa and 14000 years ago was the first worldwide human race. The Neolithic Revolution is when people stopped hunting and gathering and began to settle down and populations grew. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

               Jared Diamond was on track with his theory of geographic luck. All of the first civilizations were hunters and gatherers. Geographic luck occurred in some places more than it occurred in others. The first agricultural civilization began in the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent is between Southwestern Asia and Northeast Africa. The farmers in the Fertile Crescent could depend on rainfall there. On the other side of the crescent where they’re much rainfall the farmers learned how to use the rivers for irrigation. Them being able to grow crops was the reason of the wealth for the world’s first civilization. In Papua New Guinea they didn’t have the good fertilization for growing crops like the Fertile Crescent. They’re lands weren’t as smooth so it was harder to grow things. Like Jared Diamond says it depends on where the civilization is located. If it’s a good location the civilization will grow but, if bad then they will not develop as well as the other civilization. 

Friday, January 18, 2013


Today was our first Western Civ class of the semester. I already had Mr. Schick last semester so I knew about eveyrything he was telling us about. He has a new blog for this class and so do we. And we got books for the class its a pretty big book. He gave us a homework assignment for the weekend and we have to read from our book and then write an essay on it from the question.